I am once again at the Quay Gallery for a week which includes the weekend of the Aldeburgh Food and Drink Festival a fantastic event covering two days showcasing the very best in local food and drink. The weather looks very promising so I am expecting a really good turn-out of foodies.
I had a great week at the Aldeburgh Gallery with my first piece being sold as I was finishing my get-in and the last piece as I was starting to pack up. The gallery was closed for the funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II so it was even more remarkable that I broke all previous records for a show of mine there with one fewer day.
I am writing this on the Friday before the Festival starts and the site is busy with stands being built and it looks like it will be a fabulous weekend.
I’m showing two new still lifes here. Above is Still Life with Melanistic Pheasants, a traditional still life but on a modern background. These once rare pheasants are now increasing in number. Photographing them with just window light, as I normally do, was a challenge to get all the detail in their plummage. Below is Still Life with Game which has a table loaded with some of the game from a season. The stock was provided by The Wild Meat Company.